Ready for the Future? The Multiliterate Graduate

The ICED2020 conference calls for papers on the topic of the "Future-Ready Graduate". The call raises questions around the competencies that university graduates need to participate in working life. For example, how can our institutions prepare and respond to the (unseen) demands of future workplaces and keep education both relevant and accessible?

Since I participated in the Open Networked Learning training and also joined the working group of our department on Multimodal and Digital Literacy, I have been interested in such questions. The future is, of course, unknown. Higher education can nevertheless offer good preparation by equipping students with transversal multiliteracies. I imagine this as a set of competencies that enable our students to combine and constantly develop their digital, social, intercultural, emotional, media, and visual literacies.

Future-readiness also implies life-long learning and thus the ability to be open and flexible to new ideas and practices. After their employment, future graduates will need to acquire the multiliteracy practices of the workplace and also contribute to it in a creative and innovative way. The concept of "future-readiness" is addressed now by universities all over the world, see for example the future graduate website of the National University of Singapore, or the New Zealand higher education "Future Ready Graduates" project, or the conference organized by the Eurasian Higher Education Leaders' Forum.

The University of Jyväskylä is setting up a research hub "Multiliteracies for social participation and in learning across the life span", which would be a perfect space for doing research, teaching and societal interaction on the future-ready multiliterate graduate.
