A Tale of Two Cities Told in Videos

Sharing expertise is a key to collaboration. It can be exciting (and challenging) to create something together with people who are not from one's professional field, especially if one does not know them and can only communicate online. My students had this experience in spring 2019, and most of them enjoyed the collaboration! Language expert students from Finland (Department of Language and Communication Studies, University of Jyväskylä) and tourism expert students from Poland (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) participated in a Virtual Exchange project. You can find the weekly outline of the project with the main tasks here. The shared learning outcomes included the development of critical digital literacy, intercultural communication and online team working skills.

The co-facilitator in the pedagogical design and realization was my dear colleague Katarzyna Radke from Poland. The Virtual Exchange was mentored by EVOLVE. Our students worked in groups of 4-5 to create videos that promote both towns (Jyväskylä and Poznań) for tourists, especially for young people. The linguists approached the task from the aspect of advertising discourse, while the tourism experts shared their insights on city tourism. Jyväskylä and Poznań are sister towns, which gave a nice framework for the project.

The students were instructed to compare and contrast various aspects of the two cities in their promotional videos by using pictures and/or video recordings that they made themselves. They could also integrate materials published on open or free licenses. We suggested that they use the VivaVideo app or the Windows Movie Maker for the editing and gave them the time frame for the length (1-3 minutes). The students also got ideas on how to create an inspirational tourism video and also on how to write the script .

Three groups (Mountain DEW, MultiBrain, and the Vagabonds) gave me permission to share their videos here. I'm very proud of the outcomes of their work! Enjoy!

Mountain DEW team's video

Creators: Pipsa Karnio, Anna Keränen, Sokól Wojciech and Wawrzyniak Ziemowit

MultiBrain team's video 

(Sorry, this link does not work. I'll fix it soon.)

Creators: Zuzanna Imbruska, Sanna Niskakangas, Meri Rämö, and Katsiaryna Shamiakova

The Vagabonds' video

Creators: Eerika Kautiainen, Natalia Krupka, Tomasz Krupka, and Nea Laitinen

Thank you!
